Warehouse equipment
Warehouse equipment
Self-supporting rack systems
SMK 50
Archival and shelving
Mezzanines and platforms
Front racks
Warehouse metal racks designed for storing goods on pallets. This type of equipment is certainly the most common in the world. They are suitable for all types of pallets and are also universal in comparison with other types of racks. Front systems are easy and quick to install and modify to meet customer needs. They can be equipped with various accessories and additional elements like shelves, decks, limiters, dividers and other elements. They consist of vertical frames and horizontal beams.
The design of drive-in racks is more complex than front ones. They are intended mainly for areas with fast product turnover or for storing a single type of product. At the same time, the drive-in storage system allows you to save significant warehouse space.

The design of drive-in racks includes frames, diagonal and vertical braces connecting the posts and providing the required stability and strength of the structure, horizontal guides (lodgment) on which pallets are placed in the depth of the rack, brackets for attaching the lodgment to the frames and a fencing system that protects the rack structure from damage when warehouse equipment is used inside the rack. The design of drive-in racks is subject to increased requirements due to the fact that the pallets are supported not by beams, but by a lodgment. Therefore, when designing this type of racks, it is necessary to take into account all the elements of rigidity and safety.
cantilever racks
This type of equipment is widely used for storing long loads. These are all kinds of rolled metal, rolled products, building materials and other types of products. Cantilever racks manufactured by Kifato MK have a unique load-bearing capacity. They are easy to assemble and mobile. A strong rack with a base allows holding a load of up to 40 tons at a height of 9 meters. A cantilever rack can be either one-sided or two-sided. Any warehouse equipment has access to it, which makes it universal for work both inside a warehouse and for outdoor storage.
mezzanines and platforms
Multi-level racks (mezzanine) are a widely used type of racks. A modern mezzanine is a convenient multi-level structure that allows you to increase the warehouse space several times. The mezzanine can be used for the storage area, for individual goods, goods in boxes, plastic or metal containers on shelves, and for the assembly area. And the lower floor level is quite suitable for pallet storage.
SMK 50
The newest series of shelving racks developed and implemented by specialists of the company "Kifato MK". The main feature of this type of rack is the direct connection of the shelf to the frame without the use of beams. This allows to significantly reduce the metal consumption of the project with a slight loss of bearing capacity. The SMK 50 series manufactured by "Kifato MK" is in demand in warehouses with small-part storage and manual processing of goods. These racks also work great as a self-supporting base for light weight mezzanines.

This type of equipment can be easily mounted on load-bearing construction platforms. Another advantage of this type of equipment is its ease of installation and mobility during warehouse redevelopment without the participation of the manufacturer's specialists.
archive and shelving racks
Archival mobile shelving is designed for storing various types of archives and any other purpose. Such racks are most effective in terms of using a small area of the room where a large amount of documentation needs to be placed. Their use makes it possible to use the area of ​​the room to the maximum. These are shelving units installed on a movable base. Due to this feature, it is possible to move the shelving units along the guides. The type of painting - polymer coating - is beautiful, reliable and high quality coating, which corresponds to the European level.

We also offer two types of drives: mechanical and manual, which allows the client to easily and effortlessly move the shelving units in the desired direction under maximum load. Today, the average service life of these structures in unattended mode is at least 20 years. Our mobile shelving systems are operated without constant monitoring.

Shelving racks are used when small-sized goods are usually placed in cardboard boxes, trays or drawers and then placed on shelves. This makes it possible to complete and select orders with one piece of goods without the use of heavy lifting mechanisms.
self-supporting systems
Self-supporting structures used in warehouses are a modern and effective solution that provides high strength and stability. They allow you to create large spans without additional supports, which significantly increases the free space inside the premises and simplifies the placement of equipment and storage of goods. Due to their quick installation and durability, such structures are ideal for the construction of modern warehouses that meet the most stringent requirements.